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Saturday, September 8, 2007 

one should be unfair to be fair and be treated unfair for them to be fair

i actually read this line in one of the response in the discussion i've started in mylot..

confusing line, right? but this exactly the line i am trying to construct, thinking about some emotions that hit me these past few months.. i have the idea but this certain mylotter got not only the idea but the exact words too.. intelligent guy, he is..! LOL!

but anyway, i guess its not always good to follow what you think is right.. i mean you're doing the right thing for yourself but unintentionally or maybe intentionally, you are causing pain and hurt to other people.. simply speaking, doing the right thing does not always bring the good thing..

reality bites and we really have to think and do actions not only for our own good but for others around us as well..

**whoever got the chance to read this post, i want to know what's your view on this.. i will appreciate the pros and cons of this discussion.. thank you..

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Just can't make sense of the phrase but I guess that if are fond of doingv something that annoys other people it needs to be done to you to see how unfair it is.
Not making sense, even to myself!!!

lol you're right, it's definitely a confusing phrase! can't seem to make sense out of it when i first read it. but you're right. sometimes the things we do, no matter how right it is, there is potential of hurting someone, even though we're doing the right thing. but oh well, we can't please everybody, right?

A fellow mylotter stopping by to say hi.

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  • leizlmarie
  • davao, Philippines
  • i really don't know how to describe myself. i might think i am like this and that but i don't know if what i think i am is the same as how i appear to the people. i'm simply complicated as if my life is a mere bluff -- a really BIG BLUFF! i always carry my pessimism with me but i'm trying not to be consumed by my own negativity. see? i'm really complicated! LoL! i always love to think of myself understanding things logically. i like puzzling things out. i want to dissect every premises and formulate my own understanding and eventually a conclusion on a certain matter. that's how i make things complicated! haha.. i don't have lots of experiences, my life is boring, it only have shades of white and black all through the journey but i learn from my few experiences and from others' experiences as well. so even if i still don't have broad experiences as many people do, i want to believe that i'm still able to learn what life really is and now i'm still learning and forever be growing! thanks to the people around me! anyway, welcome to my blog! you may think this is just another nonsense blog -- yeah even i, myself, think that way! but that's ok, after all, this is my page!
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