
Monday, November 26, 2007 

havaianas craze!!

one of the in-trend collection of most teenagers or young adults nowadays is the havaianas flip flops.. i noticed it when i was once listening to a certain fm radio station here in davao.. they got a lot of callers and texters who confessed that they’re collecting havaianas.. that’s so expensive to collect, huh?! havaianas is quite expensive that would cost around P800 - P1200 though it looks like an ordinary flip flops that we could get for as low as P50 to P200.. P1000 is expensive for just one pair of slippers, right?! And there are people out there who are not contented with just one pair of havaianas slippers, they really own four to five pairs of it.. what is, collection nga eh!! whatever?! quite expensive, quite impulsive!!

are you one of them?! and would you dare to buy a slippers that would cost almost P1000?

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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

i finally signed up in this growing bridge community between media advertisers and bloggers!! i was actually hoping to join this program earlier but unfortunately i was told that paypal is temporarily banned for years here in the philippines were i reside.. but hey, not until now 'coz the opportunity to make money through paypal is back for good..

well anyway, i read a lot of testimonies about this site from other money making discussion site im actually in for months now.. majority of the feedbacks, if not all, about bloggerwave are positive, triggering me to join too.. but well, as what i have mentioned earlier, as much as i want to, i just cant because it needs paypal account, if im not mistaken!! my nerves want to join this community and paypal is open in the philippines now, a lot of opportunities are knocking online so what the heck if i'll not grab these exciting opps, right?!

well, its nice to grab the opportunity that bloggerwave offers to the bloggers around the globe..

Tuesday, November 20, 2007 

Advantage Term Life

People dont like to talk about loss, grief, death, that are actually weird, hard things to dwell with but in life's reality there would really come a time that these cases would hit us. Death for instance will cause almost, if not all, people to contend with this adversary. Emotional and financial issues rise when sad things like this occur. I, myself, had encountered things like this with a bit of emotional struggle of course. But thanks God, as time passed by, i coped up with the sadness i felt that time when someone dear to me passed away.

But anyway, i have also mentioned the financial difficulties that could possibly happen when one losses his/her loved one. That's true in most cases especially when the one who died is the breadwinner in the family. But worry not since a helpful solution to this possible difficulty was planned and organized to help the people. This is actually why insurances are being offered by a lot of sprouting insurance company nowadays. There are actually a lot of types of insurance services these days like the one offered by the Advantage Term Life. They give their clients a great deal to look into and for sure you can save money with this insurance.

Other insurance may include Employer Benefit Package, Life Insurance, etc.

Friday, November 16, 2007 

documentations galore!!

got a lot of documentations to do this semester.. college life really drains me.. im exhausted, im tired, im running out of patience here!! or am i just too lazy to deal with these things?! lol..!

docu.. docu.. docu.. our english paragraph formulation is in demand, huh?! geeezzz.. now i have a lengthy to-do list and that's oh so boring..


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About me

  • leizlmarie
  • davao, Philippines
  • i really don't know how to describe myself. i might think i am like this and that but i don't know if what i think i am is the same as how i appear to the people. i'm simply complicated as if my life is a mere bluff -- a really BIG BLUFF! i always carry my pessimism with me but i'm trying not to be consumed by my own negativity. see? i'm really complicated! LoL! i always love to think of myself understanding things logically. i like puzzling things out. i want to dissect every premises and formulate my own understanding and eventually a conclusion on a certain matter. that's how i make things complicated! haha.. i don't have lots of experiences, my life is boring, it only have shades of white and black all through the journey but i learn from my few experiences and from others' experiences as well. so even if i still don't have broad experiences as many people do, i want to believe that i'm still able to learn what life really is and now i'm still learning and forever be growing! thanks to the people around me! anyway, welcome to my blog! you may think this is just another nonsense blog -- yeah even i, myself, think that way! but that's ok, after all, this is my page!
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